About Me

 I’m a Facilitator of Healing Energy from a 5,000 year old Pre- Celtic/ Norse modality.  I use Invocation, Prayer, Music and use my mediumship abilities to call these energies in a safe sacred space we create for healing and to open & strengthen our communication and connection to great spirit to assist us in returning to our true nature of beings of love, passion illumination & full flourishing health. 

My Story

I’m a facilitator of sacred energy and healing transmissions. My workouts are healing sessions that incorporate fitness and I’m guided by nature, divine beings of love and of god, and spirit. These beings assist and guide me in what needs to happen in sessions. I get information about each client I work with through intuition and deep listening. I listen to each client deeply and often they will tell me exactly what they need in some way, whether verbally or non-verbally. The information about what we need to release and what we are ready to let go of is all available in the energetic field

What I Offer

One of my favorite aspects of Fitness & Healing is understanding energy and what your body is communicating with you, how to heal and overcome physical and emotional challenges.

I offer Personal training, Yoga, Paddle boarding, Meditation and Core and Cellular healing sessiong for people who like to work with me.

We are nature and everything we need to heal comes from nature or the divine which exists in each of us.  I assist clients in connecting deeper with themselves and their own inner knowing.  Sometimes all we need is a change, a change in location, a change in relationship, whatever it is, to get the energy flowing in the best possible way and connect to more life force energy.

Fitness & Yoga

Come work with me in Person 

Core & Cellular Healing

Remote or in person sessions available

My Handcrafted Products

Grown & Made on Maui

30 Day Coaching

Personalized Coaching Packages Available