Goals Setting Exercise

Goal Setting

 Goals Setting Exercise

Ah, goals. Those annoying things that remind us we’re not doing everything we hoped, planned, and even said we were going to do. They’re hard things to grapple with, but having them can change everything. Setting specific exercise goals gives you an action plan, the “how to” Map to accomplish what you want. This keeps you CLEAR & ACCOUNTABLE.

That doesn’t make it easy, trust me, but knowing that you can succeed at your exercise goals might be all the push you need to accomplish them.

Get Clear

Decide what kind of exercise goals you want, the really important thing is having the right mindset. I know, this sounds superficial, but it really is crucial. For example, don’t think of exercising as this dreaded chore that you have to do. Be excited that you have the opportunity to work on your fitness, that the fact that you can even walk is something to be greatful for. Not everyone has that opportunity. Extreme, right? But, it puts you in the right mindset.

For me, getting in the proper frame of mind took a while. It wasn’t until I realized that I was tired of just surviving through life, that I was able to start setting and keeping to my goals. I don’t know about you, but surviving is pure drudgery. I want to THRIVE. I want to be excited and confident and healthy. Exercise, and the goals I set for my exercise routines, helped me with this.
Napolean Hill Quote

Did you know that the brain can’t discern between negative and positive words? Stick with me, I have a point. If you say or think the phrase “I shouldn’t eat that cake”, the brain picks up on you, eat, and cake. And then all you can think about is cake. I bet you’re thinking about cake now, right? The point is, the mind is visual. To set goals, you need to visualize yourself accomplishing them. Write then down, think about them, dream about them, fell as you’ve already accomplished your goal!. Your brain will find a way to get you there.

I’m a very visual person. This means when it comes to setting goals, I need to see an actual plan. Some people make vision boards, I have a vision wall..Seriously everytime y mind wants to sleep in, skip a workout, eat bad food because i’m board or tired, I look at my Wall : ) It works. Keep it simple..

If this isn’t like you, if you’re more of a free spirit who can just reach goals without having to plan it out, I envy you, and you can skip this paragraph. I can’t support creating goal maps and plans enough. These have worked to keep me on track for my goals and I know they’ll be helpful for you. Plan what you’re going to do in the next week, 6 weeks, and 3 months and write it down.  Then follow through, one day at a time.


Consistency is the one thing that makes ALL the difference. Even 5 minutes a day!

If you don’t pay attention to anything else I’ve written, please pay attention to this.

Unless you give yourself a reason, a higher purpose, to achieve your goals, they won’t mean anything to you. Do you want to be healthier for your kids? Write that down. Do you exercise because you want more energy or less pain? Say so, over and over.

Giving yourself an emotional attachment to your goals will make you all the more likely to achieve them.

SMART Goals Setting Exercise-  Lets do this together NOW!

Write down clear Goals you want to set for your body, health & life. ( you can always add/ update these just right something)

Now for each goal lets get more specific, incorporate the  SMART formula and write under each goal.

Smart– Create an action plan, How are you going to get there?

Motivational & Measurable-   Whats higher purpose, WHY do you want this?

Ambitions- Dreams, How you’ll feel, where do you want to be?

 Relevant- Is your action plan relevant to your goal & time/ resourses

Timely- How long will it take, How much time a day/week can & will you commit?  DAILY CHANGES!

Congrats! You made the first Big step!!!

Now that you have clear GOALS Lets learn FUN ways to move your body, eat the correct foods, self care tips and more to get you there..


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