
5 Session package

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Beltane Celebrations May 1st

The Maypole dance is indeed associated with pagan traditions, particularly in Northern Europe. It's often performed as part of May Day celebrations, which have roots in ancient Celtic and Germanic festivals welcoming the arrival of spring. The Maypole itself is a tall...

Imbolc, Brigid’s Day

Imbolc, Brigid’s Day

Happy Imbolc, Brigid's Day  It's time to  welcome the return of spring & celebrate rebirth of nature & life.  Brigid is the Goddess of Light, fire, birth, healing, regeneration, inspiration, poetry, art, music, fertility & love. In the USA we celebrate...

Fitness & Energy Coaching With Michelle  – Begins Jan 1st, 2024

Fitness & Energy Coaching With Michelle – Begins Jan 1st, 2024

Happy 2018! Im Not Holding back this year & either should you!  I'm obsessed about helping people heal & be in their best shape possible. I've been kinda MIA (missing in action) for the past 5 years. I've been emerging myself in training,  the kind you don't...