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Welcome to my website!

I’m very excited to share my background in the fitness industry with you and how it has brought me to where I am now, incorporating energy work and sacred prayer with fitness and nutrition. I have 19 years of experience in various wellness industry positions. I started my career at age 19 as a personal trainer, and since then I have worked in a variety of environments which have allowed me to experience many aspects (both healthy and not so healthy) of fitness, nutrition & healing. For 7 years I was immersed in the competitive body building world where I took first place in the flex bikini competition and placed top three in nationals. My ultimate goal was to use my dedication, drive, stamina, and deep devotion to make myself the best possible version of myself. Never giving up, going beyond normal, testing my limits was fun and exciting….but something was missing.

Despite how much I trained, worked out, and devoted all my energy to fitness and my image, I was unhealthy and my body was shutting down. My digestion was shot, I was experiencing some major digestion issues and I couldn’t do it anymore. I had adrenal fatigue and I was exhausted. I couldn’t deeply communicate with my body and I didn’t know how to listen to the messages my body was telling me. How do you train with no nutrition in your body? How do you train disconnected from your intuition, that voice that says “this is too much”? Despite all the knowledge I had of training, dieting and always learning the new fitness fads, it wasn’t enough. I had a deeper calling; I began searching for something missing that I hadn’t found yet. Something more.

I needed to heal myself and I started learning as much about healing as possible from everywhere I could. I have traveled the world training in Core and Cellular Healing for 11 years and I received an honorary Certification and Induction in Ancient Celtic Cellular Transformation Studies in Ireland. This form of ancient healing is nature-based and incorporates movements, sacred prayer, and ceremony to release any blockages and anything unhealthy at a cellular level. The goal is to transform anything negative into creativity, fresh new energy, health, and love. In essence: the best version of ourselves.

I am guided to merge the worlds of fitness and energy together. I feel there are so many aspects of both worlds that are important, yet somehow, they are rarely combined or considered together. For me, it is all about reading the energy and connecting to spirit and myself. Fitness and eating healthy now comes second nature and I don’t even have to think about it. There is less pressure. Everything has changed in my body because I listen to my body. This is what I offer clients, how to deeply listen to your own inner voice so you can tap into that best version of yourself and bring it forth!

I am a facilitator of sacred energy and healing transmissions. My workouts are healing sessions that incorporate fitness and I’m guided by nature, divine beings of love and of god, and spirit. These beings assist and guide me in what needs to happen in sessions. I get information about each client I work with through intuition and deep listening. I listen to each client deeply and often they will tell me exactly what they need in some way, whether verbally or non-verbally. The information about what we need to release and what we are ready to let go of is all available in the energetic field.

We are nature and everything we need to heal comes from nature or the divine which exists in each of us. I assist clients in connecting deeper with themselves and their own inner knowing. Sometimes all we need is a change, a change in location, a change in relationship, whatever it is, to get the energy flowing in the best possible way and connect to more life force energy.

One of my favorite aspects of Fitness & Healing is understanding energy and what your body is communicating with you, how to heal and overcome physical and emotional challenges. I am certified in Personal training, Yoga, Paddle boarding, Meditation, and Core and Cellular healing. I have a passion for teaching others how to access their intuition skills that will allow them to grow personally, spiritually & professionally.

When I am not coaching, teaching or facilitating I enjoy spending most of my time outdoors in nature, on the water surfing, in my garden with my plants, and traveling the world and connecting with all cultures, medicines ,and stories. I also love to travel, turn my phone off and go off grid.

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and the work I offer.

Welcome to my website and my life,



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