Happy Beltane Celebrations! Beltane, an ancient Celtic celebration is on May 1st. Today Beltane celebrations are in honor for the return of the summer, the fertility of the land and the protection of all living things. Some sources say ...
My Blog

I’m Michelle Tarajcak
One of my favorite aspects of Fitness & Healing is understanding energy and what your body is communicating with you, how to heal and overcome physical and emotional challenges.
I offer Personal training, Yoga, Paddle boarding, Meditation and Core and Cellular healing sessiong for people who like to work with me.
We are nature and everything we need to heal comes from nature or the divine which exists in each of us. I assist clients in connecting deeper with themselves and their own inner knowing. Sometimes all we need is a change, a change in location, a change in relationship, whatever it is, to get the energy flowing in the best possible way and connect to more life force energy.
Happy Winter Solstice
Happy Winter Solstice Today we celebrate the longest night and shortest day of the year by lighting candles, fires, enjoying yummy food & spending time with friends and family. The days will start getting longer again and you can start looking forward to Spring....
Best Personal Trainer in Maui
Aloha friends! Looking for the best personal trainer in Maui? I'm on Island and am now accepting private clients. Email me to get booked in and begin your 30 day transformation. I will assist you to make that change to live a fun, exciting healthy life you're ready to...
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