My New Year Reflection Fires, Prayers, Contemplation, Ceremony and now Action
My Blog

I’m Michelle Tarajcak
One of my favorite aspects of Fitness & Healing is understanding energy and what your body is communicating with you, how to heal and overcome physical and emotional challenges.
I offer Personal training, Yoga, Paddle boarding, Meditation and Core and Cellular healing sessiong for people who like to work with me.
We are nature and everything we need to heal comes from nature or the divine which exists in each of us. I assist clients in connecting deeper with themselves and their own inner knowing. Sometimes all we need is a change, a change in location, a change in relationship, whatever it is, to get the energy flowing in the best possible way and connect to more life force energy.
welcome to my website!
Welcome to my website! I’m very excited to share my background in the fitness industry with you and how it has brought me to where I am now, incorporating energy work and sacred prayer with fitness and nutrition. I have 19 years of experience in various wellness...
Summer Solstice
Summer Solstice Blessings! As the sun spirals its longest dance, Cleanse us. As Nature Shows bounty & Fertility Bless us. Let all things live with loving intent As the sun spirals its longest dance. Summer Solstice Blessings to ALL!
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